Old Yardleians RFC: Club News


Thu, 07 Jun 2018 12:00

Looking Ahead

I was having a chat with Toff a few days ago when he suggested that he should be considered for the position of club scholar.  He appreciated the contribution made by Peter over recent seasons but with his knowledge of Latin,(well done Yardley School), he could offer that little bit  more than Fridge. Anyway he tells me that Tempus Fugit means Time Flies and that as he was a one time front row player he was really eagerly awaiting pre season training.

So Toff, the good news is that we are going to start the recovery from the depths, i.e. pre-season training, on Tuesday evening, 12th June at 7.00. For the following two Tuesdays the same arrangements apply. In order not to follow our professional friends, contact work will follow in good time. These first three sessions will consist of relatively light work such as Five a Side football. The thinking is that we start gently, welcome new players and possibly have have a social drink afterwards.

Who will organise the training for the coming season, and the answer is, James Samuel in tandem with Adam Madeley who has also accepted the position of First Team Captain. The long serving and highly respected Tom Power will take on the responsibility of First Team manager. 

With the return of a number of key players, the approaching season is begining to look brighter. A good start to the season makes all the difference. 

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