Old Yardleians RFC: Club News


Tue, 08 Mar 2016 12:00

Even when She/We (guess which) decide on a weekend on the Quantocks involving walking up and down hills and through mud and anything animals might leave behind, I attempt to stay in touch with how our teams are doing. For a very pleasant change the news this week was much better than in recent times. The only disappointment was that the Gooners failed to see off their opposition.

Senior Teams
After a run of disappointing results our First XV came good when it was needed. Handsworth are always a side that should be respected whatever their league position might suggest. However, my reporter at the game was pleased with what was produced and informs me that tries were scored by Rob Connolly, Micky Brennan, Liam Dunne and young Jack Fitz who doesn't appear to have inherited his father's speed or lack of it. Looking across at the scoreboard, he thinks the score was 33-7 in our favour. 

The Vandals continue to impress and played a team that we knew little about called Gnossall. Our Man at the match was happy to report a Vandals win by 29-14 and his report on the game is available for you to read.

Junior Teams
Over recent seasons, Kings Norton have developed a reputation as one of the leading Mini and Junior clubs around these parts. Well it looks like we have caught them up with all our parents, coaches and players returning from Hopwood after an outstanding morning of rugby.
Even more pleasing was the news from 'Aussie' John Gaffey that our under 13s  defeated Moseley. That can't be bad can it ?

This coming weekend sees our 'Stars of the future' on tour in Shropshire, where they have a game against Shrewsbury. Enjoy the weekend all of you and the following Sunday we welcome Keresley to our club.

Quiz Night
Diary date for any Quizzers. We are holding a Charity Quiz at the club on Friday 25th March from 7.15. Teams of up to a maximum of six players, cost per person will be £3 or £6 if you would like to indulge in a quality interval feast of Fish and Chips. Bill Collins will be opening the bar and you may bring friends to join your team or just turn up and join in with another team. If you want more information contact Dave Adams.

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