Old Yardleians RFC: Club News


Sun, 08 Mar 2015 12:00

First XV

After a run of pretty dismal performances which looked like threatening our league two status, just as the weather showed an improvement (Rob will be in his Rab C Nesbitt string vest if it gets any milder)  so did our first team boys.
Opponents, Pinley, who are in the top half of the table, are a gritty team who don't know when to give up and with a vocal following gathered on the 'swamp side' of the pitch the scene was set for an interesting afternoon's rugby.
From the first whistle, the Yards took the game to their opponents and produced their best performance for a number of weeks. The pack were on top in the scrum and in the line out Mick Brennan was head and shoulders above the other jumpers. Ben Honey had an excellent game in the loose and a maturing Steve Granger was back to his best form, even keeping a calm head when others were not. Tommo, who for reasons not understood by many of us, often used to linger like a winger (poetry ! ) but not any more. He was at his best rampaging on the burst gaining valuable yards. Please Anthony leave your Shane Williams days behind.
As my regular readers will know, I always stick up for number 10s even when they are not at their best. However, Jake was in supreme form when kicking for goal or for position and even our touchline forward traditionalists had to acknowledge his form. 
We did deserve our victory as we kept our discipline, even when provoked, but the speedy backs in the Pinley team always looked dangerous and I suspect our Head Coach, Richard, was relieved to hear the final whistle. 
Referee, George Selwood, had a very good game, but if the RFU could issue eyes that fit into the back of referees heads, the easier their job would become.
Final score was 23-17 to Yards.  Well Done Boys.

Other Results
Development xv   v   Ludlow won 28 - 12
Vandals      v   Eds 2nds   won  44 - 5

First XV   Nothing yet. Watch this space.
Development xv   v   Tamworth 2nds   Home 3.00
Vandals       v    Pershore 2nds  Home  3.00  (Merit Table).

And Finally (at present)
As it was on BBC the majority of you were able to watch a quality game of football on Monday evening.  It was refreshing to see a referee with the bottle to sort out the home team
for diving. One thing I almost forgot, the score, Manchester United one goal,  Arsenal two goals.  Que sera sera, whatever will be etc. a day out in North London for Mr Wenger and the lads.

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