Old Yardleians RFC: Club News

Match Report - U16s v Old Saltleians R.F.C.

Sun, 28 Jan 2007 09:50

Old Yardleians R.F.C. 17 Old Saltleians 5

Another day - another game against Old Saltleians! This was the third time in the last four games that Old Saltleians had provided the opposition. This time Old Saltleians were the hosts. Old Yardleians started with only 14 players while two replacements were called up from training. Old Saltleians kicked off and within ten seconds had scored a fine try.

Within five minutes, Old Yardleians were level. Wednesday evening training was clearly paying off as the Old Yardleians lifting in the lineouts worked very well with Andy R winning virtually every one. It was Andy's clean take from an Old Saltleians throw that led to Rob scoring the equalising try.

The replacements arrived at this point. Andy W switched to flanker to accomodate the speedy Andrew in the centre. George replaced Ben who had been playing out of position in the second row. Andy W went on to play a fine game at flanker (for the first time) whilst Andrew's pace had an immediate impact as he made a couuple of excellent breaks.

Half time: Old Yardleians 5 Old Saltleians 5

The second half began with some sustained Old Saltleians pressure and some terrific tackling from Andy W and Chris in particular. A wild punch thrown by the Old Saltleians fly half led to his being "sin-binned" for ten minutes. All of that ten minute spell was spent in the Old Saltleians 22 metre area as the Old Yardleians forwards started to dominate. That domination looked to have brought a try but the referee was unsighted. Ben came on again for a few minutes - this time at number 8 to replace Nick. When Nick returned Old Yardleians scored two tries in quick succession - the first from Darren, converted by Steff; and the second from Andrew after another terrific run.

Ben - fast becoming the Old Yardleians utility player - came on for his third spell, this time as flanker replacing Jamie.

The forwards played as a unit as well as always and the front row of Adam, James and Will were once again the unsung heroes with their hard work in the scrums. On a number of occasions the referee had to blow because the Old Yardleians pack were making more than the one metre of ground allowed at this level!

The backs deserve special praise this week too. The passing and running was much smoother and confident in attack and the tackling was excellent in defence.


Full time: Old Yardleians 17 Old Saltleians 5

Team: Steff, Chris, Darren, Andrew, Tom H, Rob, Joe, Adam, James, Will, Andy R, Ben, Jamie, Andy W, Nick. Replacements: George (for Ben)

Scorers: Tries - Rob, Darren and Andrew.  Conversion: Steff

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