How to become finely-tuned sportsmen
The secret formula for training is to make it fun, or at least to make it seem like fun. Our hon. treasurer has set up a programme of activities that should make the players ready to face the full training programme which is fast approaching. It is good to see our boys from First XV down to the Under 17s giving it a real go and all those involved are grateful to the Hon Treasurer.
Some training photos for your enjoyment.
A professional model in the new vandals kit!

Even the older blokes are at it!

Finely tuned athletes!

Whatever turns you on

Final training for the Olympics

I think it's meant to be a punch bag!

Im sure I dropped 20p around here

Even the youngsters can have a go

Just over a furlong to go!

Really, it is a punch bag!

What are they doing?

Who knows?

Trouble is that he comes back again

Really! Where ARE the sandwiches!!?

This week will be on Tuesday 6.30, Thursday 6.30 Saturday 2.00
The format will continue to be fitness and conditioning through fun activities. We warmly invite new players as well as our own seniors and under 17s.
The Quiz Evening
This Friday (6th July) at the club which will be open fron 7.00 p.m. for a 7.30 start.
Teams of 6 players or less , super prizes and remember if you don't win just tell people that it was the taking part that was most important.
And Finally
Euro 2012, what did Rooney and Young have in common?